Sound Designing


A sound designer infuses life into visuals. The program is carefully designed to teach the intricacies of record sound hand in hand with the complexities of the post-production work. RIFTI offers one of the best sound design courses in india. The course primes the students to kick start their career in sound designing as on-location sound designer for dubbing studio sound recordist, films and TV, FM channel sound recordist as well as Foley sound recordist. Explore the mechanics of Recording, Reproducing Sounds & Mixing at one of the best sound design schools in hyderabad. Affordable sound design course fees and professional equipment with an experienced faculty makes it top sound design course in india.

Our Film Sound Design Course covers:

  • Capturing sound electronically
  • Nature of sound
  • Basics of sound acoustics
  • Digital audio
  • Basic of sound psychoacoustics
  • Basic record chain
  • Microphones
  • Mixing consoles
  • Audio processing
  • Field recording
  • Live sound reinforcements
  • Sound for pictures